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Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers' and Fine Food Market: Castle Hill

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Starts at 8am and finishes 12 noon. See the attached document below for market dates.

Runs the Second Saturday and Fourth Saturday of Every Month, except January.

This is a seasonal market and the produce advertised will only be available in season.

The Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers' and Fine Food Markets are just what the doctor ordered. An abundance of fresh produce to tempt the taste buds of most hunters and gathers.

Let's begin our journey by succumbing to the tantalizing aroma of freshly ground coffee beans brewing away in the crispy early morning air of the showgrounds. As you sip your coffee you will drawn by the perfumes of the many freshly cut blooms as the flower stalls arrange a vast array of colours and species to suit all occasions.

As you do the rounds it's hard not to be drawn to the amazing variety of fresh herbs and spices available. The crispy baby rockets, extra virgin olive oils, sun dried tomatoes and amazing array of olives and fresh basil.

Willowbrae cheesemaker Karen Borg uses a traditional French farmhouse method to produce a variety of goats cheese sold at the markets by her husband David.

Crunchy sourdough breads, traditional pasta's even the staple family meals like bangers and mash can be accommodated.

The fantastic array of gourmet European sausages and the variety of old fashioned Irish spuds will turn a staple Aussie meal into a Chef's delight !

Enjoy browsing through the stalls of fresh fruit and veges, freshly picked berries, crunchy greens, vine ripened tomatoes, stone fruit and our famous Bilpin apples - even an apple pie or two !

Our markets promote the importance of fresh seasonal produce, sustainable local agriculture, showcasing small business and introduce our many visitors to the wonders of our Region, The Hawkesbury.

Schofields Orchard

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Open 10am to 4pm during the season Sunday to Friday

From May to October we are open at front gate for sale of oranges and mandarins

Fords Farm

Pick Your Own Buy Produce Farm Tour or Course Parking Toilets
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Weekends by BOOKINGS ONLY. You can book through our website from 4 July 2024 at 10am

Ford’s Farm is a Pick Your Own citrus orchard specialising in Mandarins. Our first mandarin of the season is the Satsuma, a seedless variety, easy to peel, full of juice and very popular with children. This year we have a reasonable crop of Satsumas, but not as many Imperials due to the floods last year.

Ford’s Farm is nestled on the banks of the Hawkesbury River, 15 minutes from Wiseman’s Ferry. The citrus orchard was established over 60 years ago by the Ford family (some original trees still produce fruit – the Emperor Mandarins). It has been a Pick Your Own orchard for over 21 years and has developed with help from our customers.

We look forward to welcoming visitors in June each year to pick mandarins, oranges, lemons, limes and Cumquats. We close once all mandarins have been picked and may re-open in July for any fruit that remains.
We have a small picnic area open from 10am -2pm only, but recommend you visit Wisemans Ferry for all picnics this year.

Visit our “shed” for jams, chutney, cordial and honey all made on the farm. The honey is different every year as the bees forage on whatever is available at the time. It is pure with no additives in the honey.

BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL through our website. Bookings will open 20 May 2024 @ 8am.
Recently we won our submission to overturn the number of people allowed on the farm at any one time which had been issued by the NSW State Government and can now operate as we see fit considering conditions for our area.

Watkins Orchard

Pick Your Own Picnic Buy Produce Parking Toilets
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Farm Gate Opens weekends from 29th May

Watkins Farms are open for seasonal picking and purchase of citrus varieties and picnicking..

Pick Your Own Mandarins

Open Saturdays and Sundays 10am to 4pm - during the winter season.

Come and meet living history producing Hawkesbury produce since 1836. First at Mangrove Creek near Spencer, with our current orchard at Wisemans Ferry established in 1901 - the year of Federation, by Great Great Grandfather, Alfred Watkins. Come and meet his grandson John Watkins.

The varieties of mandarins that we grow are; Imperial, a very popular variety, extra juicy and extra large this season, an old family favourite is the Emperor mandarin, grown for many generations, easy to peel with a great flavour, and the last variety of the season is the Hickson, which is available from the middle of August, my personal favourite.

We have installed a 50 people undercover seating and tables with BBQ facilities. You can also bring a blanket and picnic on the grounds.

Great Juicy Crop - Mandarins - Family Fun - Baby Animal Farm and lovely Fresh Honey

We also grow cumquats which we start picking from the middle of July.

We are a member of Freshcare, a safe food program, which enables us to meet the large supermarkets requirements for food safety.

Our farm offers a pick your own orchard with shed packing facilities for any large bulk orders.

Great for the kids, very tasty and good for you at the same time! Free samples are available for everyone and of course it's also available for you to purchase and take home.

There is also plenty of room for parking and the kids to play. Bring a football and picnic lunch and have some fun in a wonderful setting.

To get here, take the Old Northern Road to Wisemans Ferry and turn right behind the Hotel onto Singleton Road. We are 11 kilometres down the road on the left hand side, the orchard has plenty of signs so we are very easy to find.

Second Orchard Now Open!

With over 2000 trees and plenty of juicy, sweet Imperial Mandarins for you to pick, Watkins Orchard has now opened it's second location to the public!

Watkins second orchard is located on Singleton Rd Wisemans Ferry approximately 100m on your right before the original Watkins Orchard. Just follow the signs!

We are open weekends 10am-4pm. Bring the whole family for a relaxing and fun day out!

We have toilets for ladies and gents.

Anderson Farm

Pick Your Own Picnic Buy Produce Parking Toilets
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Saturday and Sunday 10am till 4 pm until further notice

This is a wonderful orchard set on the banks of the Hawkesbury River.

We grow Emperor, Imperial and Hickson Mandarins for Pick Your Own as well as Washington Navel Oranges.

Later in the season we have Seville Oranges for Pick Your Own

We also have BBQs and picnic tables or you can stroll along the river and enjoy the gorgeous outlook.

Please always telephone ahead.

When you arrive at the farm you will be directed to the Seville Growing section of the Orchard.

You will need to cross the Sackville Ferry. It is the first farm on the right.

Harvest Farms

Buy Produce Farm Tour or Course
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Next tour 5th of June.

Become part of our CSA family. Your funding will allow our farm to provide nutrient-dense, ethically-grown food for our community. Your membership means you will be able to pick up fresh produce every fortnight from one of our pickup points around the Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and Parramatta areas.

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