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Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers' and Fine Food Market: Castle Hill

Pick Your Own Buy Produce Food Wine Parking Toilets
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Starts at 8am and finishes 12 noon. See the attached document below for market dates.

Runs the Second Saturday and Fourth Saturday of Every Month, except January.

This is a seasonal market and the produce advertised will only be available in season.

The Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers' and Fine Food Markets are just what the doctor ordered. An abundance of fresh produce to tempt the taste buds of most hunters and gathers.

Let's begin our journey by succumbing to the tantalizing aroma of freshly ground coffee beans brewing away in the crispy early morning air of the showgrounds. As you sip your coffee you will drawn by the perfumes of the many freshly cut blooms as the flower stalls arrange a vast array of colours and species to suit all occasions.

As you do the rounds it's hard not to be drawn to the amazing variety of fresh herbs and spices available. The crispy baby rockets, extra virgin olive oils, sun dried tomatoes and amazing array of olives and fresh basil.

Willowbrae cheesemaker Karen Borg uses a traditional French farmhouse method to produce a variety of goats cheese sold at the markets by her husband David.

Crunchy sourdough breads, traditional pasta's even the staple family meals like bangers and mash can be accommodated.

The fantastic array of gourmet European sausages and the variety of old fashioned Irish spuds will turn a staple Aussie meal into a Chef's delight !

Enjoy browsing through the stalls of fresh fruit and veges, freshly picked berries, crunchy greens, vine ripened tomatoes, stone fruit and our famous Bilpin apples - even an apple pie or two !

Our markets promote the importance of fresh seasonal produce, sustainable local agriculture, showcasing small business and introduce our many visitors to the wonders of our Region, The Hawkesbury.

M & A Butchery

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M & A Butchery is proud to be celebrating 25 years of serving the Hawkesbury community. M & A’s expert buyers obtain stock from a variety of NSW farms and sales as well as from the Hawkesbury, Canberra and Royal Easter shows and pass the award winning stock on to their customers. M & A strives to keep prices fair while keeping the quality exceptionally high.

Their unique self-serve meat display gives you the opportunity to choose from a range of popular cuts, ready to cook meals, as well as bulk items cut free to your requirements. Qualified butchers have the expertise to advise the best way to use cuts and get the best value meat for your requirements, as well as assist you in organising portion sizes for feeding guest including threading spits free of charge!

M & A is an active part of the community and has supported dozens of local charities in the Hawkesbury region over the past two and a half decades and continue to do so. The staff at M & A Butchery pride themselves on good service and will even give you a hand to your car if required. The butchery also offers recipes both in store and on their website/Facebook pages to help inspire great home cooked meals.

If you are feeling the pinch from high supermarket meat prices, support local and visit the friendly staff at M & A Butchery.

Like us at “M & A Butchery” on Facebook and follow us @mabutchery on Instagram for amazing offers and competitions.”

David's Larder

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David’s Larder – A Taste of Scotland, est. 2011
David is very proud of his third generation family recipes (some of which he has improved and added his own touch to) Quality ingredients are used and David is solely responsible for the sourcing of all ingredients, manufacturing and production of his Scottish range of produce. The recognition would allow David’s Larder to showcase the products as award winning, which would provide crucial momentum to see the business grow and prosper.

Free Range Butcher

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Our mission is to provide, direct from the farm, clean and sustainable food, created with care, honesty and passion; and connect customers to their food source.

The Free Range Butcher specialises in Grass Fed, 28 day Dry Aged Beef, Pasture Fed Lamb, Pasture Fed Free Range Pork, and Free Range Poultry. All our meat is hormone and antibiotic free.
Our idea of Free Range is animals in the open, feet on the ground, eating grass and sleeping under trees. Essentially an animal free to do as it pleases and display its natural behaviours.

We also offer a home delivery service delivering several days every week.

Free Range Pasture Fed products from our farm and other farmers we know. Order online or visit markets in Sydney. Ethical | Sustainable | Traceable.

Click and Collect on all products via our website www.freerangebutcher.com.au

Order must be do online (not phone or email) by 11pm Wednesday night for pick-up on Saturday

Any questions – email orders@freerangebutcher.com.au

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